Speak Up Colorado College

Colorado College has partnered with Convercent/OneTrust to develop Speak Up Colorado College, an anonymous reporting platform. Speak Up Colorado College is our 24-hour reporting system where you can anonymously submit your concerns or ask questions.

The college strives to provide a secure and healthy atmosphere for students, staff, faculty, vendors, and visitors alike. Colorado College wants every employee and student to have a reliable and anonymous communication tool to report concerns, and violations of Colorado College policies, or ask a question in a timely manner.

The Speak Up Colorado College platform is an enhancement, not a replacement of our current policies and procedures. Please feel free to continue to use existing channels within the college to report concerns or ask questions, whether that be with the three Deans’ Offices, the Office of Civil Rights, the Office of Human Resources, or the Office of the President.

Speak Up Colorado College maintains anonymity for all reporters; however, the platform is not a confidential resource for concerns relating to discrimination or harassment. Any concerns reported through the platform related to harassment or discrimination will be passed on to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX. Speak Up Colorado College is a mandatory reporter for discrimination and harassment.

To make a report at any time, go to  Speak Up Colorado College Reporting Concerns Platform (convercent.com)  or call toll free 1-800-461-9330.

For questions about the platform, contact Ty Nagamatsu, Ombuds, at tnagamatsu@sydotnet.net or (719) 389-6110

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a third-party anonymous reporting resource?

The most resilient organizations nurture an ethical values-based culture – where everyone feels empowered to speak up, share their perspectives, ask challenging questions, and raise concerns that conflict with the values of the organization without fear of retaliation. The OneTrust Ethics and Compliance Cloud fosters and promotes an open and safe environment for employees and students, maximizing insights into the health of the college’s culture, so leaders can act decisively upon areas of risk. This is all done while protecting individuals who bring concerns forward.

Who has CC contracted with?

OneTrust Ethics (formerly Convercent) is the market-defining leader for ‘trust intelligence.’ OneTrust is headquartered in Atlanta with offices in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S. OneTrust employs over 2,500 people.

How did the college choose OneTrust?

After college leadership (Cabinet and Board of Trustees) approved the revisions to the Code of Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy to add an anonymous reporting resource, a small team led by Lyrae Williams, associate vice president for Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, reviewed several vendor platforms and choose OneTrust.  The review team included FEC and Staff Council representatives and Tashana Taylor, Title IX coordinator and assistant vice president for Civil Rights.

What kind of concerns can be reported?

Concerns can cover a variety of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Misuse of CC assets (facilities, equipment, furniture, supplies, software, trademarks, and copyrighted materials)
  • Misuse of CC funds (operating funds, grants and contracts, gift and endowments, CC’s purchasing card)
  • Misuse of confidential information held by the college (ex. information on students, faculty, staff, trustees, donors, and volunteers) that is protected data under the law (state, federal, and EU’s GDPR) as well as by college policies.
  • Violations of the giving and receiving of gifts covered under the Code of Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Retaliation from any member of the college for bringing a concern forward under the Code of Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy or any other policies
  • Discrimination or harassment, including violations of Title IX and Title VII
  • Violation of any college policy or handbook (faculty, staff, and student) rules and regulations

Can I ask questions about processes, policies, or anything on the platform, without reporting a concern?

Yes. Questions can be submitted anonymously through the platform.

What happens when I report a concern or submit a question?

When a question or concern is submitted through the online portal, text messaging, or phone, authorized members of the college will receive an email from the portal that a new item has been submitted. Using SSB, the authorized members will log into the portal and view the concern or question that has been submitted. If the topic of the question or concern is related to discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct, the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX will manage the inquiry. All other submittals will initially be reviewed by Ty Nagamatsu, College Ombuds.  Depending on the topic of the inquiry, the Ombuds may process it within the Office of the President or transfer the inquiry to one of the Deans’ Offices, Finance & Administration, or the Office of Human Resources.

Who at the college sees the initial reports when they are submitted?

Ty Nagamatsu, College Ombuds.

How can I submit a concern or ask a question?

There are three ways to submit a concern or ask a question. 

  1. Call the helpline: 1-800-461-9330
  2. Go to the website
  3. Send a text: 1-719-249-7052

How can I check on the status of a report or question I submitted?

When a question or concern is submitted through the online portal or over the phone, the person submitting the question or concern will be issued a case code and asked to create a password so they can come back to check on the status online.

What if I lose my case number or log-in information? 

If someone has lost access to their case, they can call the Call Center and provide the agent with their answer to their security question that they initially set up when submitting the report. The call center number is (800) 461-9330.

How will I know what happens to a concern after it is submitted?  Will I be able to know the outcome of the inquiry by the college? 

When a question or concern is submitted, the person can check back on the status of the inquiry. Statuses can include – new, in review and closed.  When a concern is closed, the person submitting the concern will not know the outcome of the inquiry.  Outcomes are confidential.  

What happens if Convercent/OneTrust gets subpoenaed to disclose someone’s email address/IP address? 

If subpoenaed, Convercent/OneTrust would notify the college and get them involved. If court ordered and Convercent/OneTrust has the information (for example, the reporter chose to remain anonymous to the college but not to OneTrust), they would have to turn it over. If the Reporter is anonymous to both the organization and OneTrust, they would not have the technical capabilities to extract the IP address or any information shared as they cannot track anonymous reporters per system restrictions.

Report an issue - Last updated: 02/08/2024